GRBL 3d wire bender, Part 6 : What does it really do?

So I’m finally getting back to updating and using the GRBL wire bender, so I have to actually use it for something. I had built it to be able to bend various springs, when I can’t get ahold of exactly the right spring, so let’s go though a basic spring design. The other use is for bending copper wire into antenna shapes, but that’s further down the spiral…

Types of springs

Each type works a little differently in the code so let’s start with some definitions:

Types of springs for the machine

The bender really only can do springs made of wire, so disc / Belleville springs, and leaf springs don’t even enter into this conversation, so the types I’m targeting is:

  1. Tension Springs
  2. Compression Springs
  3. Conical Springs
  4. Spiral Springs
  5. Torsional Springs
  6. Compound variations of above

Spring construction

The spring body

All of these types start with a coil of some sort, as the base and then some sort of legs, The coil could be flat, as such as a spiral spring, close together like a tension spring, spread apart like a compression spring, or a lofted spiral like a conical spring. The wire diameter, the number of coils and the spacing between the coils changes how the spring responds

The legs

The leg styles are basically three different styles, there is a straight wire, a straight wire with a hook, a loop, or a bunch of coils together. For example a tension spring typically has a loop or a hook, whereas a compression spring typically has coils together as the end, and a torsion spring, or a spiral has two straight wires.

Spring rates

The spring body basically is a spiral, where the spring rate is controlled by the spacing of the coils. Given that we can control the machine, we can change the spacing on the fly resulting in being able to create differing spring rates using the same wire, in the same spring. If the spring spacing is consistent, the spring will have a constant rate of compression, if we slowly change the spring spacing we can generate a spring that changes spring rate when it compresses, and if we put two springs together we can have a dual rate.

Cool springs are coming!

Now let’s make some cool springs. The next one will breakdown the Gcode for making a fairly standard coil spring.

LTE connection fun Update 2

So StarLink has a 12month waiting period, and they just had a bunch of satellites burn up in the atmosphere, so I don’t expect my StarLink to ship anytime soon.

The LTE device has come back out of the camper, and runs my laptop, while the rest of the house is running off DSL.

Meanwhile at work, I’m getting a new fiber installed into the premises, How come you can’t come here? I’d even take the evil comcast.

One of the issues with living in the middle of nowhere.

LTE connection fun Update

The MikroTik I bought seems to work well, but I’m still seeing 20ms delay rate. It’s about $30/month, but that delay makes it difficult to use Teams in video.

I’ve preordered a Starlink dish, and hopefully that’s better.

In the mean time I’ve move the MikroTik to our camper, where it works very, very well while we are on the road. I just need to add a rotator and a knock down mast somehow that works while we are driving.